Offering a nurturing hand through the storm, Rainbows After Rain extends heartfelt support, insightful guidance, and comprehensive education to caregivers and families grappling with the profound grief of pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and the passing of infants.

About Us

Welcome to Rainbows After Rain, a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization, founded by Toiekka McFadden, a mother who has experienced the deep sorrow of baby loss but also the joy of a rainbow baby.

Our mission is to offer comfort and community to bereaved mothers and families at any stage of their grief journey, from recent loss to years of healing.

Rainbows After Rain

Rainbows After Rain was born from Toiekka's personal journey through pain and joy, designed to provide a safe space where mothers can share their stories, express their emotions, and find a sense of belonging among those who truly understand. We support mothers grieving the loss of a child and those carrying rainbow babies, offering a guiding hand through the anxiety and hope that accompanies this unique journey.

Finding Hope

We believe in the healing power of shared experiences and the strength found in community. Our support groups, counseling, and community events are crafted to empower bereaved mothers, helping them find light after darkness, and joy after sorrow.

Celebrating Hope

Join us at Rainbows After Rain, where we embrace each mother's journey with compassion, offer a shoulder to lean on, and celebrate the hope that each rainbow baby brings. Together, we can find beauty and strength in the aftermath of loss.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart.”

— Helen Keller


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(843) 245-8400